/** * Checks if an object is a Cheerio instance. * * @category Utils * @param maybeCheerio - The object to check. * @returns Whether the object is a Cheerio instance. */ export function isCheerio(maybeCheerio) { return maybeCheerio.cheerio != null; } /** * Convert a string to camel case notation. * * @private * @category Utils * @param str - The string to be converted. * @returns String in camel case notation. */ export function camelCase(str) { return str.replace(/[._-](\w|$)/g, (_, x) => x.toUpperCase()); } /** * Convert a string from camel case to "CSS case", where word boundaries are * described by hyphens ("-") and all characters are lower-case. * * @private * @category Utils * @param str - The string to be converted. * @returns String in "CSS case". */ export function cssCase(str) { return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$&').toLowerCase(); } /** * Iterate over each DOM element without creating intermediary Cheerio * instances. * * This is indented for use internally to avoid otherwise unnecessary memory * pressure introduced by _make. * * @category Utils * @param array - The array to iterate over. * @param fn - Function to call. * @returns The original instance. */ export function domEach(array, fn) { const len = array.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) fn(array[i], i); return array; } var CharacterCodes; (function (CharacterCodes) { CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["LowerA"] = 97] = "LowerA"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["LowerZ"] = 122] = "LowerZ"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["UpperA"] = 65] = "UpperA"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["UpperZ"] = 90] = "UpperZ"; CharacterCodes[CharacterCodes["Exclamation"] = 33] = "Exclamation"; })(CharacterCodes || (CharacterCodes = {})); /** * Check if string is HTML. * * Tests for a `<` within a string, immediate followed by a letter and * eventually followed by a `>`. * * @private * @category Utils * @param str - The string to check. * @returns Indicates if `str` is HTML. */ export function isHtml(str) { const tagStart = str.indexOf('<'); if (tagStart < 0 || tagStart > str.length - 3) return false; const tagChar = str.charCodeAt(tagStart + 1); return (((tagChar >= CharacterCodes.LowerA && tagChar <= CharacterCodes.LowerZ) || (tagChar >= CharacterCodes.UpperA && tagChar <= CharacterCodes.UpperZ) || tagChar === CharacterCodes.Exclamation) && str.includes('>', tagStart + 2)); } //# sourceMappingURL=utils.js.map