* Methods for traversing the DOM structure.
* @module cheerio/traversing
import { isTag, hasChildren, isDocument, } from 'domhandler';
import * as select from 'cheerio-select';
import { domEach, isCheerio } from '../utils.js';
import { contains } from '../static.js';
import { getChildren, getSiblings, nextElementSibling, prevElementSibling, uniqueSort, } from 'domutils';
const reSiblingSelector = /^\s*[+~]/;
* Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements,
* filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('#fruits').find('li').length;
* //=> 3
* $('#fruits').find($('.apple')).length;
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
* @returns The found elements.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/find/}
export function find(selectorOrHaystack) {
if (!selectorOrHaystack) {
return this._make([]);
if (typeof selectorOrHaystack !== 'string') {
const haystack = isCheerio(selectorOrHaystack)
? selectorOrHaystack.toArray()
: [selectorOrHaystack];
const context = this.toArray();
return this._make(haystack.filter((elem) => context.some((node) => contains(node, elem))));
return this._findBySelector(selectorOrHaystack, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
* Find elements by a specific selector.
* @private
* @category Traversing
* @param selector - Selector to filter by.
* @param limit - Maximum number of elements to match.
* @returns The found elements.
export function _findBySelector(selector, limit) {
var _a;
const context = this.toArray();
const elems = reSiblingSelector.test(selector)
? context
: this.children().toArray();
const options = {
root: (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0],
// Pass options that are recognized by `cheerio-select`
xmlMode: this.options.xmlMode,
lowerCaseTags: this.options.lowerCaseTags,
lowerCaseAttributeNames: this.options.lowerCaseAttributeNames,
pseudos: this.options.pseudos,
quirksMode: this.options.quirksMode,
return this._make(select.select(selector, elems, options, limit));
* Creates a matcher, using a particular mapping function. Matchers provide a
* function that finds elements using a generating function, supporting
* filtering.
* @private
* @param matchMap - Mapping function.
* @returns - Function for wrapping generating functions.
function _getMatcher(matchMap) {
return function (fn, ...postFns) {
return function (selector) {
var _a;
let matched = matchMap(fn, this);
if (selector) {
matched = filterArray(matched, selector, this.options.xmlMode, (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]);
return this._make(
// Post processing is only necessary if there is more than one element.
this.length > 1 && matched.length > 1
? postFns.reduce((elems, fn) => fn(elems), matched)
: matched);
/** Matcher that adds multiple elements for each entry in the input. */
const _matcher = _getMatcher((fn, elems) => {
let ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
const value = fn(elems[i]);
if (value.length > 0)
ret = ret.concat(value);
return ret;
/** Matcher that adds at most one element for each entry in the input. */
const _singleMatcher = _getMatcher((fn, elems) => {
const ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
const value = fn(elems[i]);
if (value !== null) {
return ret;
* Matcher that supports traversing until a condition is met.
* @param nextElem - Function that returns the next element.
* @param postFns - Post processing functions.
* @returns A function usable for `*Until` methods.
function _matchUntil(nextElem, ...postFns) {
// We use a variable here that is used from within the matcher.
let matches = null;
const innerMatcher = _getMatcher((nextElem, elems) => {
const matched = [];
domEach(elems, (elem) => {
for (let next; (next = nextElem(elem)); elem = next) {
// FIXME: `matched` might contain duplicates here and the index is too large.
if (matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches(next, matched.length))
return matched;
})(nextElem, ...postFns);
return function (selector, filterSelector) {
// Override `matches` variable with the new target.
matches =
typeof selector === 'string'
? (elem) => select.is(elem, selector, this.options)
: selector
? getFilterFn(selector)
: null;
const ret = innerMatcher.call(this, filterSelector);
// Set `matches` to `null`, so we don't waste memory.
matches = null;
return ret;
function _removeDuplicates(elems) {
return elems.length > 1 ? Array.from(new Set(elems)) : elems;
* Get the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements,
* optionally filtered by a selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.pear').parent().attr('id');
* //=> fruits
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for parent.
* @returns The parents.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parent/}
export const parent = _singleMatcher(({ parent }) => (parent && !isDocument(parent) ? parent : null), _removeDuplicates);
* Get a set of parents filtered by `selector` of each element in the current
* set of match elements.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.orange').parents().length;
* //=> 2
* $('.orange').parents('#fruits').length;
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for parents.
* @returns The parents.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parents/}
export const parents = _matcher((elem) => {
const matched = [];
while (elem.parent && !isDocument(elem.parent)) {
elem = elem.parent;
return matched;
}, uniqueSort, (elems) => elems.reverse());
* Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up
* to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or
* cheerio object.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.orange').parentsUntil('#food').length;
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
* @param filterSelector - Optional filter for parents.
* @returns The parents.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/parentsUntil/}
export const parentsUntil = _matchUntil(({ parent }) => (parent && !isDocument(parent) ? parent : null), uniqueSort, (elems) => elems.reverse());
* For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector
* by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the
* DOM tree.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.orange').closest();
* //=> []
* $('.orange').closest('.apple');
* // => []
* $('.orange').closest('li');
* //=> [
* $('.orange').closest('#fruits');
* //=> []
* ```
* @param selector - Selector for the element to find.
* @returns The closest nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/closest/}
export function closest(selector) {
var _a;
const set = [];
if (!selector) {
return this._make(set);
const selectOpts = {
xmlMode: this.options.xmlMode,
root: (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0],
const selectFn = typeof selector === 'string'
? (elem) => select.is(elem, selector, selectOpts)
: getFilterFn(selector);
domEach(this, (elem) => {
if (elem && !isDocument(elem) && !isTag(elem)) {
elem = elem.parent;
while (elem && isTag(elem)) {
if (selectFn(elem, 0)) {
// Do not add duplicate elements to the set
if (!set.includes(elem)) {
elem = elem.parent;
return this._make(set);
* Gets the next sibling of each selected element, optionally filtered by a
* selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.apple').next().hasClass('orange');
* //=> true
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for sibling.
* @returns The next nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/next/}
export const next = _singleMatcher((elem) => nextElementSibling(elem));
* Gets all the following siblings of the each selected element, optionally
* filtered by a selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.apple').nextAll();
* //=> [Orange, Pear]
* $('.apple').nextAll('.orange');
* //=> [Orange]
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The next nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextAll/}
export const nextAll = _matcher((elem) => {
const matched = [];
while (elem.next) {
elem = elem.next;
if (isTag(elem))
return matched;
}, _removeDuplicates);
* Gets all the following siblings up to but not including the element matched
* by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.apple').nextUntil('.pear');
* //=> [Orange]
* ```
* @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
* @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The next nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/nextUntil/}
export const nextUntil = _matchUntil((el) => nextElementSibling(el), _removeDuplicates);
* Gets the previous sibling of each selected element optionally filtered by a
* selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.orange').prev().hasClass('apple');
* //=> true
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The previous nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prev/}
export const prev = _singleMatcher((elem) => prevElementSibling(elem));
* Gets all the preceding siblings of each selected element, optionally filtered
* by a selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.pear').prevAll();
* //=> [Orange, Apple]
* $('.pear').prevAll('.orange');
* //=> [Orange]
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The previous nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevAll/}
export const prevAll = _matcher((elem) => {
const matched = [];
while (elem.prev) {
elem = elem.prev;
if (isTag(elem))
return matched;
}, _removeDuplicates);
* Gets all the preceding siblings up to but not including the element matched
* by the selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.pear').prevUntil('.apple');
* //=> [Orange]
* ```
* @param selector - Selector for element to stop at.
* @param filterSelector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The previous nodes.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/prevUntil/}
export const prevUntil = _matchUntil((el) => prevElementSibling(el), _removeDuplicates);
* Get the siblings of each element (excluding the element) in the set of
* matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.pear').siblings().length;
* //=> 2
* $('.pear').siblings('.orange').length;
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for siblings.
* @returns The siblings.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/siblings/}
export const siblings = _matcher((elem) => getSiblings(elem).filter((el) => isTag(el) && el !== elem), uniqueSort);
* Gets the element children of each element in the set of matched elements.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('#fruits').children().length;
* //=> 3
* $('#fruits').children('.pear').text();
* //=> Pear
* ```
* @param selector - If specified filter for children.
* @returns The children.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/children/}
export const children = _matcher((elem) => getChildren(elem).filter(isTag), _removeDuplicates);
* Gets the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including
* text and comment nodes.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('#fruits').contents().length;
* //=> 3
* ```
* @returns The children.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/contents/}
export function contents() {
const elems = this.toArray().reduce((newElems, elem) => hasChildren(elem) ? newElems.concat(elem.children) : newElems, []);
return this._make(elems);
* Iterates over a cheerio object, executing a function for each matched
* element. When the callback is fired, the function is fired in the context of
* the DOM element, so `this` refers to the current element, which is equivalent
* to the function parameter `element`. To break out of the `each` loop early,
* return with `false`.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* const fruits = [];
* $('li').each(function (i, elem) {
* fruits[i] = $(this).text();
* });
* fruits.join(', ');
* //=> Apple, Orange, Pear
* ```
* @param fn - Function to execute.
* @returns The instance itself, useful for chaining.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/each/}
export function each(fn) {
let i = 0;
const len = this.length;
while (i < len && fn.call(this[i], i, this[i]) !== false)
return this;
* Pass each element in the current matched set through a function, producing a
* new Cheerio object containing the return values. The function can return an
* individual data item or an array of data items to be inserted into the
* resulting set. If an array is returned, the elements inside the array are
* inserted into the set. If the function returns null or undefined, no element
* will be inserted.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('li')
* .map(function (i, el) {
* // this === el
* return $(this).text();
* })
* .toArray()
* .join(' ');
* //=> "apple orange pear"
* ```
* @param fn - Function to execute.
* @returns The mapped elements, wrapped in a Cheerio collection.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/map/}
export function map(fn) {
let elems = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
const el = this[i];
const val = fn.call(el, i, el);
if (val != null) {
elems = elems.concat(val);
return this._make(elems);
* Creates a function to test if a filter is matched.
* @param match - A filter.
* @returns A function that determines if a filter has been matched.
function getFilterFn(match) {
if (typeof match === 'function') {
return (el, i) => match.call(el, i, el);
if (isCheerio(match)) {
return (el) => Array.prototype.includes.call(match, el);
return function (el) {
return match === el;
export function filter(match) {
var _a;
return this._make(filterArray(this.toArray(), match, this.options.xmlMode, (_a = this._root) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]));
export function filterArray(nodes, match, xmlMode, root) {
return typeof match === 'string'
? select.filter(match, nodes, { xmlMode, root })
: nodes.filter(getFilterFn(match));
* Checks the current list of elements and returns `true` if _any_ of the
* elements match the selector. If using an element or Cheerio selection,
* returns `true` if _any_ of the elements match. If using a predicate function,
* the function is executed in the context of the selected element, so `this`
* refers to the current element.
* @category Traversing
* @param selector - Selector for the selection.
* @returns Whether or not the selector matches an element of the instance.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/is/}
export function is(selector) {
const nodes = this.toArray();
return typeof selector === 'string'
? select.some(nodes.filter(isTag), selector, this.options)
: selector
? nodes.some(getFilterFn(selector))
: false;
* Remove elements from the set of matched elements. Given a Cheerio object that
* represents a set of DOM elements, the `.not()` method constructs a new
* Cheerio object from a subset of the matching elements. The supplied selector
* is tested against each element; the elements that don't match the selector
* will be included in the result.
* The `.not()` method can take a function as its argument in the same way that
* `.filter()` does. Elements for which the function returns `true` are excluded
* from the filtered set; all other elements are included.
* @category Traversing
* @example Selector
* ```js
* $('li').not('.apple').length;
* //=> 2
* ```
* @example Function
* ```js
* $('li').not(function (i, el) {
* // this === el
* return $(this).attr('class') === 'orange';
* }).length; //=> 2
* ```
* @param match - Value to look for, following the rules above.
* @returns The filtered collection.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/not/}
export function not(match) {
let nodes = this.toArray();
if (typeof match === 'string') {
const matches = new Set(select.filter(match, nodes, this.options));
nodes = nodes.filter((el) => !matches.has(el));
else {
const filterFn = getFilterFn(match);
nodes = nodes.filter((el, i) => !filterFn(el, i));
return this._make(nodes);
* Filters the set of matched elements to only those which have the given DOM
* element as a descendant or which have a descendant that matches the given
* selector. Equivalent to `.filter(':has(selector)')`.
* @category Traversing
* @example Selector
* ```js
* $('ul').has('.pear').attr('id');
* //=> fruits
* ```
* @example Element
* ```js
* $('ul').has($('.pear')[0]).attr('id');
* //=> fruits
* ```
* @param selectorOrHaystack - Element to look for.
* @returns The filtered collection.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/has/}
export function has(selectorOrHaystack) {
return this.filter(typeof selectorOrHaystack === 'string'
? // Using the `:has` selector here short-circuits searches.
: (_, el) => this._make(el).find(selectorOrHaystack).length > 0);
* Will select the first element of a cheerio object.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('#fruits').children().first().text();
* //=> Apple
* ```
* @returns The first element.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/first/}
export function first() {
return this.length > 1 ? this._make(this[0]) : this;
* Will select the last element of a cheerio object.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('#fruits').children().last().text();
* //=> Pear
* ```
* @returns The last element.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/last/}
export function last() {
return this.length > 0 ? this._make(this[this.length - 1]) : this;
* Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index. Use
* `.eq(-i)` to count backwards from the last selected element.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('li').eq(0).text();
* //=> Apple
* $('li').eq(-1).text();
* //=> Pear
* ```
* @param i - Index of the element to select.
* @returns The element at the `i`th position.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/eq/}
export function eq(i) {
var _a;
i = +i;
// Use the first identity optimization if possible
if (i === 0 && this.length <= 1)
return this;
if (i < 0)
i = this.length + i;
return this._make((_a = this[i]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []);
export function get(i) {
if (i == null) {
return this.toArray();
return this[i < 0 ? this.length + i : i];
* Retrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set as an array.
* @example
* ```js
* $('li').toArray();
* //=> [ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
* ```
* @returns The contained items.
export function toArray() {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(this);
* Search for a given element from among the matched elements.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.pear').index();
* //=> 2 $('.orange').index('li');
* //=> 1
* $('.apple').index($('#fruit, li'));
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param selectorOrNeedle - Element to look for.
* @returns The index of the element.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/index/}
export function index(selectorOrNeedle) {
let $haystack;
let needle;
if (selectorOrNeedle == null) {
$haystack = this.parent().children();
needle = this[0];
else if (typeof selectorOrNeedle === 'string') {
$haystack = this._make(selectorOrNeedle);
needle = this[0];
else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias, unicorn/no-this-assignment
$haystack = this;
needle = isCheerio(selectorOrNeedle)
? selectorOrNeedle[0]
: selectorOrNeedle;
return Array.prototype.indexOf.call($haystack, needle);
* Gets the elements matching the specified range (0-based position).
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('li').slice(1).eq(0).text();
* //=> 'Orange'
* $('li').slice(1, 2).length;
* //=> 1
* ```
* @param start - A position at which the elements begin to be selected. If
* negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set.
* @param end - A position at which the elements stop being selected. If
* negative, it indicates an offset from the end of the set. If omitted, the
* range continues until the end of the set.
* @returns The elements matching the specified range.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/slice/}
export function slice(start, end) {
return this._make(Array.prototype.slice.call(this, start, end));
* End the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and return the
* set of matched elements to its previous state.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('li').eq(0).end().length;
* //=> 3
* ```
* @returns The previous state of the set of matched elements.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/end/}
export function end() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.prevObject) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this._make([]);
* Add elements to the set of matched elements.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('.apple').add('.orange').length;
* //=> 2
* ```
* @param other - Elements to add.
* @param context - Optionally the context of the new selection.
* @returns The combined set.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/add/}
export function add(other, context) {
const selection = this._make(other, context);
const contents = uniqueSort([...this.get(), ...selection.get()]);
return this._make(contents);
* Add the previous set of elements on the stack to the current set, optionally
* filtered by a selector.
* @category Traversing
* @example
* ```js
* $('li').eq(0).addBack('.orange').length;
* //=> 2
* ```
* @param selector - Selector for the elements to add.
* @returns The combined set.
* @see {@link https://api.jquery.com/addBack/}
export function addBack(selector) {
return this.prevObject
? this.add(selector ? this.prevObject.filter(selector) : this.prevObject)
: this;
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