/* Language: Zephir Description: Zephir, an open source, high-level language designed to ease the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP with a focus on type and memory safety. Author: Oleg Efimov Website: https://zephir-lang.com/en Category: web Audit: 2020 */ /** @type LanguageFn */ function zephir(hljs) { const STRING = { className: 'string', contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ], variants: [ hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }), hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null }) ] }; const TITLE_MODE = hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE; const NUMBER = { variants: [ hljs.BINARY_NUMBER_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE ] }; const KEYWORDS = // classes and objects 'namespace class interface use extends ' + 'function return ' + 'abstract final public protected private static deprecated ' // error handling + 'throw try catch Exception ' // keyword-ish things their website does NOT seem to highlight (in their own snippets) // 'typeof fetch in ' + // operators/helpers + 'echo empty isset instanceof unset ' // assignment/variables + 'let var new const self ' // control + 'require ' + 'if else elseif switch case default ' + 'do while loop for continue break ' + 'likely unlikely ' // magic constants // https://github.com/phalcon/zephir/blob/master/Library/Expression/Constants.php + '__LINE__ __FILE__ __DIR__ __FUNCTION__ __CLASS__ __TRAIT__ __METHOD__ __NAMESPACE__ ' // types - https://docs.zephir-lang.com/0.12/en/types + 'array boolean float double integer object resource string ' + 'char long unsigned bool int uint ulong uchar ' // built-ins + 'true false null undefined'; return { name: 'Zephir', aliases: [ 'zep' ], keywords: KEYWORDS, contains: [ hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.COMMENT( /\/\*/, /\*\//, { contains: [ { className: 'doctag', begin: /@[A-Za-z]+/ } ] } ), { className: 'string', begin: /<<<['"]?\w+['"]?$/, end: /^\w+;/, contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ] }, { // swallow composed identifiers to avoid parsing them as keywords begin: /(::|->)+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/ }, { className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'function fn', end: /[;{]/, excludeEnd: true, illegal: /\$|\[|%/, contains: [ TITLE_MODE, { className: 'params', begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, keywords: KEYWORDS, contains: [ 'self', hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, STRING, NUMBER ] } ] }, { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class interface', end: /\{/, excludeEnd: true, illegal: /[:($"]/, contains: [ { beginKeywords: 'extends implements' }, TITLE_MODE ] }, { beginKeywords: 'namespace', end: /;/, illegal: /[.']/, contains: [ TITLE_MODE ] }, { beginKeywords: 'use', end: /;/, contains: [ TITLE_MODE ] }, { begin: /=>/ // No markup, just a relevance booster }, STRING, NUMBER ] }; } export { zephir as default };