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- 'use strict';
- var cheerio = require('./lib/cheerio');
- var makeJuiceClient = require('./lib/inline');
- /**
- * Note that makeJuiceClient will take a base object (in this case a function) and enhance it
- * with a lot of useful properties and functions.
- *
- * This client adopts cheerio as a DOM parser and adds an "inlineContent" function that let
- * users to specify the CSS to be inlined instead of extracting it from the html.
- *
- * The weird "makeJuiceClient" behaviour is there in order to keep backward API compatibility.
- */
- var juiceClient = makeJuiceClient(function(html,options) {
- return cheerio(html, { xmlMode: options && options.xmlMode}, juiceDocument, [options]);
- });
- var juiceDocument = function(html, options) {
- return juiceClient.juiceDocument(html, options);
- }
- juiceClient.inlineContent = function(html, css, options) {
- return cheerio(html, { xmlMode: options && options.xmlMode}, juiceClient.inlineDocument, [css, options]);
- };
- module.exports = juiceClient;